Real Ultimate Engineers

We are best described as a work in progress. Take a read and give a comment and we'll try and improve.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Introduction: Spaced Ghost

In the words of Rob Gordon, John Cusack's character in High Fidelity, I consider myself a "professional critic". I am the arbitor of what is right, what is wrong, and frankly will let you know where I stand on the issue in as few words as possible.

I've decided to blog because of course I think others might benefit from my insight, my point of view, and my strong, strong ability to point out the obvious.

In the end, I'm a mediocre, small town newspaper restaurant and TV critic stuck in the body and living the life of a mild mannered engineer. In much the same way Superman used his powers for good and the betterment of all of mankind, I will use my powerlessness as a commentator on life's little trials and tribulations.

We hope you enjoy and if not, I don't think any of us our losing any sleep and I leave you with another Cusack quote this time from Say Anything, "How many of them really know what they want, though? I mean, a lot of them think they have to know, right? But inside they don't really know, so... I don't know ,but I know that I don't know."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write very well.

October 28, 2008 at 8:01 PM  

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