Real Ultimate Engineers

We are best described as a work in progress. Take a read and give a comment and we'll try and improve.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Let it begin

You'll notice I have no fancy moniker, no clever play on pop culture. Is that because I couldn't come up with one? Maybe. Is it because I (and we) are everyman? Definitely.

Have you ever had a question you were afraid to ask? We will ask it. Has there ever been an issue on which you weren't sure your thoughts? We will tell you your opinion. Did you ever wonder just how cool something is on the grand scale? We know the answer.

And lest you be concerned that we will overlook the obscure, miniscule, or pointless, let me assure you that these will be the most covered topics. Headline news? It may or may not come up.

And with that, and my compatriots, we will begin. You don't have to thank us. We know.


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