Real Ultimate Engineers

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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Two In a Row!

Just because I'm always the one being accused of not contributing as much to the blog as the other two miscreants, I would like to note that I've now posted two in a row. I'm sure they'll counter with "you should have had this level of commitment all along." I counter with something along the lines of "F*, You" and then we wrestle. Clearly as I am the only real super hero among us, I prevail and thus continues the cycle of life.

Speaking of coming from different points if life and different places, I would like to comment on where I put the three of us in the overall cycle of life:

Me: Just trying to make it thru the children infant years. I view it as the time between married(no kids) and what I think will be labeled the "t-ball time". The only real question that I have is whether or not to slow the career down during any of these periods.

Max is just preparing for fatherhood. As it approaches, the easy going life of bars, beers, and an understanding wife are slowly slipping away. Good luck with the transition. and welcome to the infant years. Always remember, you don't have a 12 year old.

AB is the hardest to pin down as he is quite a few years younger and thus on a different life track. Currently dating a wonderful Mrs. AB and at the end of the day if he just listened to all the sound advice of myself and Max could probably be the most successful out of the three, but instead chooses to follow his own path and thus lose the knowledge that flows so easily from us.

Not sure that anyone cares or will even read this. Had a fabulous weekend, and have a long weekend at the beach coming up, so don't expect the trifecta from old Spaced Ghost.



Blogger ab said...

It should also be noted that Spaced Ghost is also fast approaching the minivan years.

June 23, 2008 at 8:04 AM  

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