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Friday, May 30, 2008

Poker Musings

So Ms. Fire's family has been in town for the past several years days causing me to miss the last 2 weekly neighborhood poker games. While I love my in-laws dearly, last night I felt the need to go stretch my legs a little, so I wandered across the street to see how the game was going. Fortunately for me, a couple of the players had already busted out so 4 of us decided to start a small $0.05/0.10 cash game with a $5 buy-in. I couldn’t play for long as the family was waiting at home, so I played for about half an hour or so.

I’ll skip the suspense—I pwned it.

In the big blind with AQ. Call, call, call and then “Raise it up!” from yours truly. To be fair, this was not a tricky game. Throw in $0.50, fold, fold, fold and I scoop $0.30.

Couple of hands later, TT in the big blind. Call, call, call and then “Raise it up!” from yours truly. To be fair, this was not a tricky game. Throw in $0.50, call, call, call. Flop comes K83. Check, and then “Raise it up!” from yours truly. Throw in $1.00. Fold, fold, fold and I scoop $1.50.

A few hands later, AQ on the button. Call, and then “Raise it up!” from yours truly as I chuck out $0.30. To be fair… you get the point. The hostess (or wife of the host, depending on how you look at it) was one of the players in my game. “Why do you have to raise it every time? OK, I call.” Fold, fold. Flop comes Q52, all spades. A quick check confirms that I have the Ace of Spades. Top pair, top kicker plus the flush draw.

Well now a lesser (inebriated) player would check to trap. I chose to “Raise it up!” ‘cause I’m the man. A bet of $0.30, or just under half the pot, seemed to smell just fishy enough to merit a call. “Call”. Bingo, I have a customer. Turn was an 8 of spades. I’ve got the nuts.

Now a little tomfoolery. “I check”. She checks behind. Damn, she doesn’t have a spade.

The river was the King of spades. 5 spades on the board. The pot was about $1.30. I’ve got a lock on the hand. How much to bet?

“Raise it up”. $2.00. Seems like an overbet from someone playing the board. “Fold.” Damn. Level 4 move on a Level 1 player.

Time to leave. Up $2.45 in about half an hour. Took my $2, left the $0.45 to the table and was back at home by 10. If I can translate my 24 big blind win in half an hour long term to a $2/$5 game, I can turn pro. Pipe dreams.

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December 12, 2009 at 7:09 AM  
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December 14, 2009 at 8:27 PM  
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January 22, 2010 at 6:52 PM  
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January 27, 2010 at 9:39 AM  

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