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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mr. Vice President

I'm one of those who believe the primary season is over and we're going to be seeing a McCain vs. Obama election in the fall. With that understood, I think both have real negative that they will need to overcome to prevail and I think they should turn to reality tv to find their vice president selection. I think the following would all be good choices:

1) Flavor Flav - Flavor of Love
PROS: Would add some flava to a McCain campaign. Catchy, "Yeah, BOYEEEEE!" campaign slogan already in place. His 7 children could help stuff envelopes and other campaign duties. No better hype man has ever existed. Always prompt because of the big clock around his neck.
CONS: "Fight the Power" song might come back to haunt him if he is the Power.

2) Gordon Ramsey - Hell's Kitchen
PROS: He can handle the heat in the kitchen. Not afraid to call someone a bloody idiot if they need it. Could really increase moral at the state department by each time he said something about foreign diplomacy, they would all shout, "Yes, Mr. President."

CONS: He is Scottish, so you'd have to get around the constitution. He currently has 20+ restaurants that he is involved with along with the tv shows, so his time might have to be split up a little.

3) Tim Gund - Project Runway

PROS: Father was an FBI agent. Along with Flavor Flave above, comes with own campaign slogan that is well known, "Make it Work" (you could add in "For AMERICA"). You could get Heidi Klum staying in the Lincoln bedroom.

CONS: Not sure he relates to the "bitter" blue collar West Virginians that the candidates keep talking about. Fabulous clothes for everyone.

4) Ryan Seacrest - American Idol
PROS: This fella knows how to work - he currently has his American Idol gig, his daily radio show in LA, hosts red carpet events, replaced Dick Clark on his rockin' new years eve show and numerous other events. He's the poster boy for metrosexuality. The millions and millions of votes that the American Idol singers get has to translate into a few million votes.
CONS: Would have to find someone new for Simon to flirt with on A.I. John Edwards no longer is the pretty boy of politics.

5) Hulk Hogan - Hogan Knows Best
PROS: The Hulkamaniacs would run wild over the opponent. Would definitely appeal to the "bitter". If his reputation can get his little talent daughter a shot at a recording contract, then winning the election should be easy.

CONS: Not sure he can wear the pull off shirts on Air Force One. His above mentioned daughter would want to sing at all the white house events. His divorce is probably going to end up pretty messy.

So that's the list, my preference would be to see a McCain/Flav ticket going up against an Obama/Hogan. It's only then that we can talk about the real issues and not all the petty bickering that we've had up to date.


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