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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Gordon welcomes The Pink Spiders, sorry.

As a avid TV'er, I'm constantly watching for that point in "my" shows to jump the shark and regretfully it happened this week on Hell's Kitchen. I know you're saying to yourself, "Self, how can a reality show jump the shark, there is no writing and no script, it's just live and besides it's a cooking reality show and so it's just about the guy yelling at cooks and them cooking." You would be wrong. At the top of the list of moments of the shark jump, you'll find Random Band or musician performing at a moment that makes no point or progresses any story. Also on the list could be needless celebrity guest, or surprise death to side character, or side character moving out of town, etc. Anyway, after the girl's birthday dinner, Gordon tells her she has a surprise outside and so you think she's getting some sweet ride ala My Super Sweet Sixteen over on MTV, but no it's some random band called The Pink Spiders performing and thus Gordon Ramsey could be seen just like Fonzie jumping over the giant aquarium in the parking lot of Al's Diner and that's too bad because his shows on the BBC are really good and I would think he can do good TV.



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