It Works!

I drive a truck. 'Cause chicks dig trucks. Unless they dig guys who drive Prius's. In which case they're probably a little too hairy for me. Doesn't stop me from punching their Prius driving half-men in the jaw. But that's another story.
Now, as a truck driver I sacrifice certain, shall we say, efficiencies in gas milage. Couple that with an 80 MPH disposition and you have a guy that's not doing his part to battle Al Qaeda.
Or something.
So I was getting 13 miles to the gallon. Gets a little painful filling up the 23 gallon tank. First time I realized that my credit card cuts off at $75 on a gas purchase. To protect me. In the past month, they've upped it to $85. Apparently they got some complaints. I was too lazy.
I routinely got 290 miles +/- on a 22 gallon +/- fill-up. About every 8-9 days.
So I set a goal. 2000 RPMs. A not-to-exceed ceiling. No change in driving pattern except a not to exceed RPM. 0-60 in about 30 seconds. Sounds slow, but isn't bad if you time it. About 73 MPH max speed. You notice a huge increase in RPMs above about 60 MPH.
I left with a tank on June 3rd. Filled up today. 22.5 gallons. 336 miles. 2 miles to the gallon more.
I bought myself another day between fill-ups. About 13% increase in fuel milage. A little less than 3 gallons extra per tank. Call it $11.
Figure I fill up 30 times per year. Call it $330 a year in savings.
Stick it,
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