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Thursday, July 3, 2008

4th of July Spectacular

As we approach a perfect 4th of July weekend (on a friday, so get to start on Thursday and get the three day weekend and weather looking good), I ask myself what items needed to be checked off the box so that when I come in on Monday and asked, "How was your holiday?", I can succinctly answer, "Fantastic." So, to the list. . . . .

1) MEAT - Eat no less than three different types of meat off the grill. It can be sausage, chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs, ribs. As long as it was something walking the earth in the not too recent past, it counts and I want bbq sauce on a least 2 of the items.

2) DRINK - I'm really at this point trying to figure out the line up. . . . . . do you start with the Jack and end with the wine or beer. .. . do you do a "progressive" and each time you finish a glass, you move on to something else? What I do know is that by the end of the weekend, I'm sure I'll have drank some some of the following; beer, wine, jack, vodka, and if she insists probably some gin.

3) S'MORE - Make a fire, let the fire burn and settle so there are some perfect ashes and toast the perfect marshmellow to create the perfect S'more. Because it's a holiday I might even put 4 little sections of the Hershey Bar on the ultimate sandwich instead of the standard two dictated my Mrs. Spaced Ghost.

Heck, I might even let the kids stay up late and give them a good jolt of sugar prior to bedtime. It is America's birthday.

4) FIREWORKS - Of course I want to light some fireworks. I bought some "legal" ones so that the little ones could see what the holiday has turned into and will try not to burn anything down. If I can pull it off, I'll try to hook up the 1812 Overture on the stereo while things are blowing up, but that might take too much coordination.

5) SWIM - in the pond. Take the kids down, put on the lifejackets, float around the pond with the fish nibbling on the toes. I would also add to this getting on a boat, but I'm not sure that's in the cards this weekend, so I'll leave the boat off the list this year.

Now that is truly spectacular 4th of July. Have a great weekend.

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