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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

On my own. .. . .

The Mrs. left me home along for an extended period of time for the first time with all three of the little one's this evening to attend an event. I figured I'd live blog about the experience:

5:32pm: Wife leaves. 5-year olds sobs out of control at thought of being home along with daddy and siblings. Gets sent to room until she can control herself. Everyone else seems to contro themselves. Daddy starts dinner and she didn't help me at all in the respect. . . turn radio on loud.. . .. ACDC playing. . .turn it up and can barely hear crying of the girl.. . .

5:39 - 3-year old starts picking on 5-year old crying intensifies.

5:44 - Make myself a double vodka and tonic.

5:57 - Pasta w/ sauce on the table. drink half gone. Kids asking me why the pink floyd, "The Wall", the kids seem so sad in the song. No on crying.

6:11 - Dinner complete - judgement call on desert. bubble gum for the older one, piece of candy for little one. Baby still didn't eat. just roaming around the floor occupying herself.

I'm now in never-never land because I have to fill an hour +- of time with everyione before i can shove them off to bed and hopefully at this point think about getting the little one to relax without mommy. I know who will know, let me call Max B. He's always good at coming up with ideas.

6:30 Oldest - washing dishes, baby eating dinner. boy wandering around house.

6:45 - all okay. If no one is crying can I go watch P.T.I.?

7:00 - kids getting in pajamas - just have to get a snack in them, read some stories and then just deal with the baby.

7:32 - older two in bed. complaining about mommy not being here, asking lots of questions, Kira realizing that I have no breasts to comfort her. This could be a long night. Going to try the formula in a bottle.

8:01 - Miracle of all miracles. . .. all kids asleep. 2 in their beds and one beside me on my bead. I'm not sure how llong it will last but it is fantastic. Mommy checks in and of course they are all being great. Probably won't last long now.

8:15 that didn't last long, i made a wrong move and the baby woke up. she's now throwing a fit and couldn't be consoled. I've put her in her crib and am hoping she can regain her sleeping.

8:33 Still crying

8:55 Still crying

9:01 been quiet for 2 minutes. Hell's Kitchen season finale starting. She won't interupt that. Will she?

9:45 almost there.......when will mommy be home?

10:05 I'm headed to bed. . . for how long?. . .... . .not too bad at fatherhood.. . . .



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