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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bar Fly Banter, Vol. 5 - The Price of Love

Barfly:"Man, wish I had a spare $20K lying around."
Me (with a modicum of background on the situation to be detailed below):"Is that the going rate these days."
Barfly:"That's the cost of a condo in Costa Rica, which is worth a swap."

There is a patron. Let's call him Sweet Awesome feathered Mullet Guy, or Sam G for short. About 6 weeks ago, Sam G shows up with a girl on his arm that was, shall we say, way out of his league. And dressed to impress. Me and other guys. We'll call her Lolita. Sam G is about 40. Lolita looks to be about 25. "Mail Order" was thrown around-- I thought at first in jest then, until conversation above, in perfect seriousness.

The truth is worse.

Sam G has business interests in Costa Rica. During the course of these interests, he met Lolita's father. Impoverished, if banter is to be believed. Sam G had a decent condo (mayhaps a townhouse, couldn't get verified) that would be a significant upgrade to the family. Sam G negotiated a deal.

The mail-order-bride business is, to me, ethically grey. Provided the "bride" is a willing participant. Not my cup of tea, mind you, but with 2 parties entering the relationship with open eyes, I suspend judgment as I can see a benefit to both parties [that some countries are so inhospitable to necessitate a bride to follow that path is a rant for another day].

Banter once again remaining inviolate, Lolita was seen crying in a nearby bar and consoled by one of the barflyettes who happened to be there at the same time. She's no happy camper.

So what to do about a situation that, on the surface, appears to be a legal adult acting as an unenthusiastic fluff girl for the betterment of her family?

Makes my problems seem small.

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