Real Ultimate Engineers

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Laid Off - Day 13

Well -

Big day as I received my first offer in this new world order and it's 35.7% lower than what I was making 13 days ago. The numbers just don't work although I think it would be a job I could do very well and is in a whole new industry (consulting, energy efficiency, utilities) and so that led to the reduced offer. I understand in this new economy I'll be taking a hit, but the economics of keeping everything together and moving a least a little forward just don't work with that cut. I'm going to slow play my response as I have another interview tomorrow that I consider strong, and hopefully significantly higher in pay if not in ideal positions, but we'll just have to see.

Kids driving me nuts, me driving mrs. ghost nuts, the whole thing just doesn't get easier if this goes into the summer.



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