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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Victory Garden

Great Depression. Swine Flu. Zombies. One can never be too prepared. Claiming only a tiny speck of real estate as my own, I decided to improvise on the traditional garden. Without further ado, my 4' x 4' elevated survival kit.


This is obviously a learning experience. Some successes. We have some salad cucumbers...

And some pickling cucumbers...

Beefsteak and Better Boy Tomatoes...

And Cherry Tomatoes...

Carrots are on the way...

It hasn't been all smooth sailing. For some reason I can't keep a pepper alive. Perhaps they're too close together?

And the jury is still out on the zucchinis. They are still flowering but for some reason aren't pollinating.

And as an added bonus, the blackberries in the woods are ripe!

All in all a good time.

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