Internet Fun
So everyone uses .com or .org email addresses. What you may or may not know, since living in the US, we really don't need to worry about it, is that other countries have their own internet domains. For example, Germany has web pages that end in .de, Italy's end in .it, and China has .cn.
Some countries have made out particularly well in the assignment of names. Tuvalu has the domain .tv, which had made it very popular, and therefore profitable, for any manner of people wanting to advertise and have a .tv web page. Cameroon likewise hit the internet jackpot. Their domain is .cm, which gets tons of hits for everyone who has a typo when typing a random .com web page. The Cameroonians have set up a page which gather all of the random typos (with the exception of some that actually have set up real .cm pages) and sends them to a page funded with advertising.
One country, though, while they may not be the proudest of their domain, have the greatest one of all time. Bermuda owns the very exciting domain of .bm
Some countries have made out particularly well in the assignment of names. Tuvalu has the domain .tv, which had made it very popular, and therefore profitable, for any manner of people wanting to advertise and have a .tv web page. Cameroon likewise hit the internet jackpot. Their domain is .cm, which gets tons of hits for everyone who has a typo when typing a random .com web page. The Cameroonians have set up a page which gather all of the random typos (with the exception of some that actually have set up real .cm pages) and sends them to a page funded with advertising.
One country, though, while they may not be the proudest of their domain, have the greatest one of all time. Bermuda owns the very exciting domain of .bm
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