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Sunday, July 13, 2008

No Country For Old Men

I don't know if you all saw this movie, but it was pretty awesome. Except for rare situations, it's not the movie you'd take your wife or girlfriend to see. Without a doubt, I knew that Mrs. ab wouldn't be interested, so I didn't even bother there.

The movie's all about a guy (Josh Brolin) who finds a bunch of money at the location of a drug deal gone bad. You can tell it's gone bad because there are about 3 truckloads of Mexican guys that are dead in the middle of the desert. So with all that money missing, there are obviously some guys looking for it, who happen to be criminals. So Brolin is followed most closely by a hitman of some sort played by Javier Bardem, who plays the coldest, craziest, and most ruthless guy you've ever seen. At least Tony Montana had some emotion. This guy just kills people without even raising his voice. And since there are criminals, Tommy Lee Jones, as the sherrif, is involved, trying to track everyone down.

But I saw this movie a while ago, and by this point you should have either seen the movie or read a review, and so I don't feel bad telling you that, with the movie taking place in Texas, everyone and their brother has a gun, and so there's a lot of shooting. By the end of the movie, just about everyone is dead. Josh Brolin, although (spoiler alert) dies at the end, but comes off as a real badass throughout the movie.

My point, though, is this. Apparently, this dude's cool in real life too. He got arrested the other night after being in a bar fight while he was filming a movie. Clich here to read the article. It should be noted that bar fighters should be embarrassed though if they need to bring a weapon (gun or knife or even broken beer bottle) to said fight. The proper bar fight, if you must get into one, is fought with fists only, and is best ended with the combatants sharing a drink. The loser, it goes without saying, should buy.



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