Real Ultimate Engineers

We are best described as a work in progress. Take a read and give a comment and we'll try and improve.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Laid Off - Day 30

Well, I officially accepted the offer yesterday. 30 days doesn't seem so long when you talk about it. It's a lot longer when your living thru it and don't know the outcome. I'm definately looking forward to the new challenges, the different work environment, and the new position. I'm viewing it as upward movement, will expand my network in the same industry, and hopefully will be the financial position to put my family where it needs to be over the next 10 years.

Things I take away from the job hunting experience and the current economic situation:

1) Headhunters weren't worth the time I spend on the phone with them and sending them my resume.
2) It always pays to treat people right, go with you instincts, and manage fairly.
3) Only pertains if your married or in a serious relationship, but only one of you can be "worried" about the situation. The other has to stay positive.
4) Put your pride away, and tell everyone you know, everyone in your network, and anyone who will listen that you got laid off and if they hear of anything, please let you know. Job opportunities came from some pretty random sources.
5) Never turn down an interview - it's something that gets easier and better the more you do it.
6) If someone is out looking and networking for a job, buy them lunch. That way when you're out looking and don't have an income, they will hopefully buy you lunch.
7) Even in difficult times, don't be afraid to turn down a bad position. If it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't.

I'm sure there are more things I learned, but that's the whole point of a blog, right, to just write what you're thinking at the time.

I hope you've enjoyed reading about my search and my success. If you've read the series, feel free to comment.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Laid Off - Day 28

Had what I believe will be the last of the interviews (a 2nd interview in this case) yesterday. It was a multi-person interview where I was across the table from 3 people, all at different levels in the organization (PM, VP, Pres) and all with a much different outlook of what they were looking for in a person and what characteristics they thought were important. First, based on the fact that I got my schedule messed up and showed up 1/2 hour late, I wouldn't be making me an offer. If I allow myself to get beyond that fact, I'm just don't think the position they're looking to fill in that organization is right for me. So, on Day 28, I believe I will be making the final deal with the other opportunity I discussed at Day 26 and if all things go well, come Monday, I'll be back to work.

I read one of many "Laid Off - How to Deal with it Articles" yesterday and the one premise that this author threw out is that for every $20,000 of salary you make, it will take another month to find a job. Obviously not the case for me. Now, one could argue that I knew the layoff was coming for sometime before it actually happened so I had things already lined up as far as some first interviews and such, but I still think that only saved me 15-20 days, not the months and months this author would leave you to believe. Just don't always buy into what you read. I don't know what that guy's agenda is, my guess is that he is also the owner of the job bulletin board, so the longer you're out of work, the more hits he gets on his website.


Monday, May 11, 2009

Laid Off - Day 26

Getting very close to something. I did turn down one offer and a few things have slipped thru the cracks, but I have one 2nd interview tomorrow and a decision to make on another offer by wednesday. Unless something miraculous happens in the interview, I'll be taking the offer. Different segment of work, new challenges, some financial risk, but in the long term, I think the right decision. It still comes down to the people I'll be working with in an everyday situation and I've know this group for a long time and think I can help them as much as I'll learn from them. So, it looks like at the end of the day, I'll have been laid off for 1 month. With unemployment still climbing and the construction economy still not "turning around", I would say that's pretty good.

It's been an interesting time, there are those that checked in pretty regularly and those that stayed at arms length. I think it's a awkward situation for some and kind of like a death in the family, I'm not sure what are the correct words for someone who is out of work.

As I'm getting ready to start with this new opportunity, I still have a ton to be thankful for and get ready for a whole new ride.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Victory Garden

Great Depression. Swine Flu. Zombies. One can never be too prepared. Claiming only a tiny speck of real estate as my own, I decided to improvise on the traditional garden. Without further ado, my 4' x 4' elevated survival kit.


This is obviously a learning experience. Some successes. We have some salad cucumbers...

And some pickling cucumbers...

Beefsteak and Better Boy Tomatoes...

And Cherry Tomatoes...

Carrots are on the way...

It hasn't been all smooth sailing. For some reason I can't keep a pepper alive. Perhaps they're too close together?

And the jury is still out on the zucchinis. They are still flowering but for some reason aren't pollinating.

And as an added bonus, the blackberries in the woods are ripe!

All in all a good time.

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Friday, May 1, 2009

A Morning in the Life of Max Boom

6:45am - Wake Up
7:00am - Shower
7:15am - Put Trapped Possum in Back of Truck
7:20am - Manually Polinate Garden Zucchinis with Small Paint Brush
7:30am - Feed Lil Bang
7:45am - Put on Dress Clothes For Work
7:55am - Change Poopy Diaper, Re-Dress Lil Bang into Fresh, Un-soiled Clothes
8:00am - Leave House
8:10am - Release Possum into Woods 3 Miles from House
8:15am - Drop Lil Bang off at Daycare
9:00am - At Work

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