Real Ultimate Engineers

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Laid Off - Day 30

Well, I officially accepted the offer yesterday. 30 days doesn't seem so long when you talk about it. It's a lot longer when your living thru it and don't know the outcome. I'm definately looking forward to the new challenges, the different work environment, and the new position. I'm viewing it as upward movement, will expand my network in the same industry, and hopefully will be the financial position to put my family where it needs to be over the next 10 years.

Things I take away from the job hunting experience and the current economic situation:

1) Headhunters weren't worth the time I spend on the phone with them and sending them my resume.
2) It always pays to treat people right, go with you instincts, and manage fairly.
3) Only pertains if your married or in a serious relationship, but only one of you can be "worried" about the situation. The other has to stay positive.
4) Put your pride away, and tell everyone you know, everyone in your network, and anyone who will listen that you got laid off and if they hear of anything, please let you know. Job opportunities came from some pretty random sources.
5) Never turn down an interview - it's something that gets easier and better the more you do it.
6) If someone is out looking and networking for a job, buy them lunch. That way when you're out looking and don't have an income, they will hopefully buy you lunch.
7) Even in difficult times, don't be afraid to turn down a bad position. If it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't.

I'm sure there are more things I learned, but that's the whole point of a blog, right, to just write what you're thinking at the time.

I hope you've enjoyed reading about my search and my success. If you've read the series, feel free to comment.



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