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Monday, May 11, 2009

Laid Off - Day 26

Getting very close to something. I did turn down one offer and a few things have slipped thru the cracks, but I have one 2nd interview tomorrow and a decision to make on another offer by wednesday. Unless something miraculous happens in the interview, I'll be taking the offer. Different segment of work, new challenges, some financial risk, but in the long term, I think the right decision. It still comes down to the people I'll be working with in an everyday situation and I've know this group for a long time and think I can help them as much as I'll learn from them. So, it looks like at the end of the day, I'll have been laid off for 1 month. With unemployment still climbing and the construction economy still not "turning around", I would say that's pretty good.

It's been an interesting time, there are those that checked in pretty regularly and those that stayed at arms length. I think it's a awkward situation for some and kind of like a death in the family, I'm not sure what are the correct words for someone who is out of work.

As I'm getting ready to start with this new opportunity, I still have a ton to be thankful for and get ready for a whole new ride.



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