Real Ultimate Engineers

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009


So, as you may or many not have read my laid off entries, the is in some ways a continutation of this whole life experience.

Last night, I had the opportunity in the with the new job / in the new role to attend a very high priced cocktail reception where there was a pretty prominent speaker, in a swanky hotel, the whole deal.

Suit freshly pressed - Check
Shoes freshly shined - Check
New business cards in breast pocket - Check
Arrive about 30 minutes early - Check

Walk up to hotel lobby bar as I have a few minutes to kill . . . feeling confident about my new gig and know the facts and figures that seem important . . . get a nice seat at the end of the bar . . . . look the bartender square in the eye. . .. order my cocktail of choice, "Stoli-Tonic, Please". .. .. .

"Sir, May I see your ID?"

just a little deflating of a moment.

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