Real Ultimate Engineers

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

So Much Better than Max's Garden

So, awhile back Max showed you pictures of his garden and because I'm slow and haven't been good about taking pictures, it's taken me awhile and because we're so much farther north, longer for the garden to get going, but here it is. It's mostly controlled by Mrs. Ghost, but I have helped out on occassion and am enjoying the benefits.

We have "successfully" grown and eaten the following this spring / early summer: Lettuce and Spinach (multiple types and the above picture shows the incredible amount of lettuce we still have. We failed on sugar snap peas (5 total pea pods that each member of the family got one each.)

We have currently growing Tomotoes (4 types), Tomatillos, Pole Beans, Bush Beans, Cucumbers, Squash, Zuchini, Watermellon, Jalapeno Peppers, Banana Peppers, and a littany of herbs including basil, thyme, sage, rosemary, dill, marjorum, lemon grass, and I think a few more that I never remember.

It's not a true victory garden, but we're hopeful to reduce our need of many vegetables this summer and try out hand at pickeling, drying, sauces, herb infused cocktails (I'll share those recipes later.)

Hope you appreciate. . ... .. . . and eat dirt Max.

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